• One hour long, 1:1 sessions that take place at Independent Training Spot (NYC) or Werk Fitness (San Diego). This is the best for those that need accountability! We help you feel strong and confidently navigate your way around the gym. No gym membership required to train at any of these spaces!

  • Virtual training is a 1:1, one-hour-long video call session where you workout just like I am there next to you. With this, you get real-time technique guidance and accountability! These workouts must be done at either your home or apartment gym.

    Online coaching is a personalized workout program for the month shared with you via Google Sheets. You can do the workouts at home or at a commercial gym, tailored to your needs and equipment. Online coaching also comes with a 15 minute weekly check-in video call with your coach to review your progress towards your goals. This is perfect for the person who feels comfortable working out already but wants to have the hassle of knowing what to do at the gym, how much weight to lift, and how to progress, done for them!

  • It depends on your goals. Everybody and every BODY is different, but generally speaking, if you are consistent with working out and eating well you will start to reap the benefits of your work in 2-3 months’ time. It’s a long process my friend, just be patient and be consistent. Good things come to those who put in the work and are patient.

  • Yes, nutrition coaching is optional for those who would like it!

  • We know that personal training is a big investment in your health.

    To understand if it’s right for you at this time, ask yourself these questions…

    ✔️Do I have goals that I am struggling to achieve on my own?

    ✔️Am I interested in learning how to create a sustainable fitness routine that will keep me motivated and consistent?

    ✔️Am I nervous that I’ll do an exercise wrong or get hurt?

    ✔️Am I looking for a workout program that’s personalized to me and takes the hassle out of figuring out what to do on my own?

    ✔️Do I incorporate progressive overload or do I stick to the same thing all the time?

    ✔️Do I have an injury/medical concern that I don’t know how to accommodate in the gym?

    If you are still unsure, then feel free to check out the successes that our clients have had by clicking here!